Raitaru Down! Raitaru down!

Well, in less than 2 weeks a rival corp of only 7 members targeted my Raitaru for ransom and when I didn't pay up, it was blown to bits.

I'm a little disappointed, after all this type of behavior while part of Eve Online is also the part that many of us don't like about Eve Online - it's pretty easy to get bullied, picked on and otherwise smashed by those higher in the food chain than you.

That all said, was a fun experience and my alt is still running the corp andI will rebuild one day. A couple of things to keep in mind next time and for those reading my adventures to keep in mind if they follow down this type of path...
  • Be able to offer some defense! My Raitaru was completely undefended without even any missiles or guns to protect it.
  • Build an alliance! Especially if only a single-player corp. Without an alliance, you're on your own and easy pickings.
  • Recruit others of like minds! Kind of a follow-up to the previous point, but recruiting allows others to keep eyes out; to defend; to expand!
I'm looking forward to my next adventures in running a corporation and structures! Because as the Terminator once said... I'll be back! 
