Handling Q&A About Ship Fittings

One thing I've noticed everywhere I've been in New Eden is how lousy most players handle a question about ship fittings... In most cases, someone will link to their latest build and what they plan on doing with it and ask for some feedback. Then that unfortunate player gets slammed with how that isn't the right build for x, y and z reasons and why they should drop that ship altogether and go get into ship xyz instead. Heaven forbid that the asking player asks additional questions about their fitting they just linked because then it's "well why did you ask in the first place if you're going to ignore what I've advised."

Let's break this down shall we? When a player asks for feedback it is ok to lay all that other stuff out there, IF and only IF you will be kind enough to tell them something GOOD about the build they just did and how they could improve that build with THAT particular ship. After you've done that then feel free to critique, suggest other ships etc.

The reason is simple enough and follows the golden rule. When you ask for feedback, while you should expect some critique you're also looking for some validation that you didn't just spend the last hour or two in gameplay fine tuning that ship build.

Be kind to each other. Feel free to help new bros and older bros along with what they need - as often times they don't know what they need or even what they want. Balance it out a little and find something nice to say about whatever fit they just showed you. And as your parents should have taught you... if you don't have something nice to say....
